The Kaiser's Confidante Mary Lee, the First American-Born Princess

New York City native Mary Esther Lee (1837–1914) first married in 1864 the Prince von Noer, brother of the Queen of Denmark, and was created a princess in her own right after his death. An active philanthropist to Protestant causes, she then married Count Alfred von Waldersee whose close ties to the Prussian court made her an intimate friend of Kaiser Wilhelm II and a mentor and valued friend to his young wife. Although she preferred to remain in the background, Mary’s influence caused intense jealousy by those at court who resented her friendship with the kaiser and kaiserin. This biography chronicles the remarkable life of an American woman whose wealth and influence enabled her to rise to power in the Prussian royal court.

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Richard J. Hutto
Print ISBN: 978-1-4766-6572-6
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-2808-0
28 photos, notes, bibliography, index
228pp. softcover (6 x 9) 2017


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Count von Waldersee and the Princess

Count Alfred von Waldersee and his wife, Mary Lee, formerly Princess von Noër